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Sunday, 11 November 2012

Waiting for the karma train......?xX

Whatever you give away today
Or think or say or do
Will multiply about tenfold
And then return to you.

It may not come immediately
Nor from the obvious source,
But the LAW applies unfailingly
Through some invisible force.

Whatever you feel about another,
Be it love or hate or passion,
Will surely bounce right back to you
In some clear or secret fashion.

If you speak about some person,
A word of praise or two,
Soon tons of other people
Will speak kind words to you.

Our thoughts are broadcasts of the soul,
Not secrets of the brain.
Kind ones bring us happiness,
Petty ones, untold pain.

Giving works as surely as
Reflections in a mirror.
If hate you send, hate you'll get back,
But loving brings love nearer.

Remember, as you start this day,
And duty crowds your mind,
That kindness comes so quickly back,
To those who first are kind!

Let that thought and this one
Direct you through each day....
The only things we ever keep
Are the things we give away!

Words 2 live by

Namaste - Unknown Buddhist Poem.

It's a funny thing this karma malarkey ladies. Some times we think it's is with us and other times we swear it is against us! We reassure ourselves that what goes around comes around and we hope the all masterful karma is kind to us. But do we really understand it or has it become a twentieth century excuse we rely heavily upon?

Many religions reference karma in their teachings and beliefs. From Buddhism to Hinduism to fact all Indian philosophies, except off course Lokayats, believe in some sort of karma. By western definition it is the karmic law of Hinduism which we appear to most widely follow. Karma in hinduism maintains that every act done, no matter how insignificant, will eventually return to the doer with equal impact. Good will be returned with good; evil with evil. Since Hindus believe in reincarnation, karma knows no simple birth/death boundaries. If good or evil befall you, it is because of something you did in this or a previous lifetime. Therefore karma cannot be dictated by us mere mortals to decided who deserves what but instead comes from a greater universal system, that system of course depending on your own personal beliefs.

As we travel our journeys, cross new paths and discover new adventures maybe we should be mindful of the karmic ruling. Or maybe it is a non founded belief that we merely use to exact revenge when we feel something is unfair......?

Having spent time travelling in India I have experienced the Indian philosophy of kindness to others first hand. I was privileged to spend some time helping in a soup kitchen for the homeless whilst I was in Delhi. As I learnt to make chapattis, crouched on the floor surrounded by vats of a simple lentil Dahl (that was delicious!!) and amazing Indian women in beautiful saris it was explained to me that the kitchen gave 3500 people a free hot meal daily. This was made up of the lentil Dahl, a chapatti and a very sweet rice pudding type dish. There was no charge for this meal but one simple rule. No matter who you are, from a maharaja to a pauper, every one ate together, on the floor, as we are all equal. What could be more beautiful than that?

But, ladies, if you do believe in karmic revenge the main thing to remember before brandishing the karma stick is that there are always two sides to every story. For every ying there is a yang. No one is perfect and there is no reaction without a previous action to start it. So before you believe everything you hear open up your mind and heart a teeny tiny bit and consider this. If you feel karma has been unkind to you and favourable (unfairly you believe) to another, ask yourself why. Because maybe, just maybe if you look deep enough for long enough you will see that the favourable karma has maybe gone to the girl who has suffered the longest and hardest, you just didn't see it. Maybe you feel you deserve something, maybe you believe karma should give someone the hell deserve but who are you to decide (and you should do a little reading as to the meaning of karma!) Because some times it's about standing tall with all the style and grace you can muster and remember that we are all equal. We will all rise and all fell the pain of a fall, so regardless of your karmic believes maybe the lesson is to treat every body equal and let the universe do its job.........xX