When we are younger the word new is always exciting. New shoes, new friends, new places to go and new boys to chase. New is positive and bright, filling us with hope that this new experience will bring even newer things. Discovering new labels, new stores and new designers, the world seems our oyster. It’s only as we sail past our twenties and into our thirties that we realise that the word new isn’t always as shiny and fabulous as we once thought. New car parts are never the words we want to hear, a new (bigger) dress size is not what we want to see and the words ‘he has a new girlfriend’ certainly don’t make us ladies feel like shiny and happy people. So what changes? Do we get more pessimistic as we get older? Do we have different expectations that are not met, that leave us disappointed? Is newness just an urban illusion that we are fed by the media? How many new starts do we get or make for ourselves? At times in our lives it feels every Monday is a new diet, new exercise regime and new weight loss attempt. Every pay day becomes a new promise to not spend all your wages by the first weekend of the month and we promise ourselves every new dress we buy will be the last. Yet in the bright lights of all the newness are we dazzled into a false security that this exciting and often beautiful newness will bring us even more excitement? Does it make us believe that our dreams are all the more reachable? Make up’s and break up’s provide us with yet another opportunity to create new starts and change our paths, often sending us in different and exciting new directions. New skin care products that promise to banish the wrinkles, make us look younger and correct all the blemishes we ever had, new just holds so many promises. It is easy to start to feel jaded at the promises that new holds, do we even believe them anymore? Do we reach a point where we admit there is no new, just belief , dreams and hopes?
This week, as we head towards a new season, the leaves start falling and the vaguely sunny days of summer pass into the warm orangey browns of autumn, it feels like a perfect time to find a happy newness again. Starting with beautiful (new!) tan boots. As I pulled on my new ‘I have great boot boots’ and took the first step towards the new season in them, I couldn’t help but feel lifted by the fabulous new newness of it all. Endorphins at the all time high only new shoes can give you, I took a bold step towards the future. Making a positive promise to myself that all my new beginnings would begin with a new positive attitude. So as the cross roads that we have previously crossed grow in to a dot in the distance and become part of the rich tapestry that is our past learning curves, maybe it’s time to put the negative attitude away into storage. No one has really has room in their Mulberry for excess emotional baggage, it weighs us down, holds us back and can often ruin our new starts. As I walk through the fallen leaves of the last season in my new boots, I can’t help but reflect on the issue of newness. Is it an image or is it real? For me it’s all a matter of creating the perfect match, like the way my new boots match the Mulberry, new should be teamed with positivity and accessorised with hope. So as the leaves crunch under my boots and my Mulberry swings over my shoulder, my excess baggage is firmly in storage and I’m focused, new season, new start.
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