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Monday, 12 March 2012

Successful women can still have their feet on the ground. They just wear better shoes........ #iwd12

Dedication - For all the women, who went before us, to fight for our independence and freedom. Who enabled us to stop us being one dimensional, so we no longer had to define ourselves as just a wife or girlfriend. The women who enabled us to be free to vote, have an education and make as many choices as we wanted.

In the year 2012, we, as women are privileged enough to be able, should we want to of course, have it all. And that is the key phrase, if we want to. We can if we want, we can opt out if we want. The choices are endless and often totally overwhelming. Since our 1950’s sisters before us cut the apron strings off, dared to leave the family home and headed on the road of independence, high on the success of the women’s indispensable role played in the recently ended world wars, we have been faced with endless challenges, won many personal wars and done a man’s job, all in high heels.

.And what changes the world has seen in such a short time. It is almost irrelevant whether you love her or hate her, but the point is that Margret Thatcher was the first woman in power. The first woman to condemn, rule and command a male dominated world and, despite her many failings, she did it with a certain style and grace. She appeared at times, ruthless, cold and calculating but the UK’s first lady was never with a hair out of place, suit sharply cut and heels always high. Born into relative poverty in the sticks of Lincolnshire, she educated herself and got the hell outta there. Girl power was clearly alive and well years before the Spice Girls were ever even born! Not since Emily Pankhurst threw herself under a horse have we lived in an era where there are so many inspirational women.  Anita Ruddick, Marilyn Monroe, Cupcake Brown, Vivienne Westwood, Marie Curie, Nigella Lawson, the list is endless, non exhaustive and ever growing.

We are living in a society that is privileged enough to have such amazing female role models. No longer is a woman defined by her man and family. We work harder, often harder than our male counter parts, sadly even more often for less money. We put ourselves through an education to gain the jobs we want and fund the life style we crave. Long gone are the days of waiting for our husbands pay raise to buy us a new handbag, instead we put on our lipstick, put our shoulders back and  worked the extra hours to buy it ourselves.

As I wrote this blog I began to think about all the women who inspire me daily. My mum, my sisters, my friends and my colleagues who, despite their own journeys and challenges remain stylish, classy and dignified in all they do. These are the women who make me want to work harder, aim higher and walk taller. Who, by just in being in their presence I feel I could move a mountain and conquer the world. Looking around our own lives we are touched daily by so many inspirational women. I am never failed to see the brilliance of the women in my life and be humbled by their attitudes and ethics. All the mum’s who work so tirelessly to give their children everything they want them to have, often doing the enormous parenting task single handedly and the high flying carer girls who do amazing jobs that make a real difference every day. And the real life super women who do both (you know who you are!) The texts of support, the drunken mid night phone calls, shopping, lunching, crying and laughing, we go through it all together. Thank you all for being you, happy international women’s day you gorgeous lot! xX

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