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Wednesday 15 August 2012

Cinderella is just proof a new pair of shoes can change your life....xX

“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”

― Marilyn Monroe

Ladies which ever path we are walking down in life, be it smooth fun filled ones or bumpy, hard complex ones we should be able to do it with some class, elegance and style. But most importantly in the right shoes.....

Cosmopolitan magazine explains the psychology behind this shoe love phenomenon.....

'Buying new footwear stimulates an area of the brain's prefrontal cortex termed the collecting spot. "Shoes are a collector's item, whether women realize they perceive them that way or not," says Suzanne Ferriss, PhD, editor of Footnotes: On Shoes. Just think of how they're often stored artfully on shoe trees and shelves. "They're like sculptures," says Ferriss. As a result, collecting each type provides a mini-adrenaline rush similar to the satisfaction a stamp collector gets when he acquires a rare find.'

Sounds like a good reason to shop to me....!

For me my love affair with shoes started years before I had any idea of body concept, image or style. I was simply a 5 year old who was given a book. The book was called 'New Blue Shoes' by Eve Rice. This book, I blame for a 25 year (and going VERY strong) love affair with shoes. A simple story of a little girl who's mum takes her shoe shopping and all she wants is new blue shoes. Now this book isn't a classic or an award winning novel and I'm not at all saying it was literacy brilliance but it was totally relatable. Luckily for the mothership, despite being dyslexic and dyspraxic I was a strong reader so was quite happy to pore over the book time and time again, although to this day she still knows all the words! At school my favourite part of the academic year was September. Why? I got new shoes. Always from Clarks. And they always always caused an argument. Apparently diamond studded, slip on's with a (very mini) heel (who remembers magic steps?!) were not suitable for my 6 yr old self to wear to school.....

Shoes, to me, have so many living memories. They tell more adventures than all the photos, tickets Stubbs and cards we save ever could. From the £1.49 flipflops I wondered all over the slums of India in to the Prada heels I took a romantic stroll down the Champs-Élysées, Paris in, each pair tell a story. The Karen Millen killer heeled boots I wore on a surprise first date rock pooling at Robin Hoods Bay (yes I managed it with style and grace!)The UGG boots that kept me toasty as I explored down town manhattan, eating banana's for the holidays and bagels in central park and the LK Bennett ballet pumps I lived and died in as I explored the narrow winding streets of Venice. From Primark to Prada my shoe addict knows no bounds......

Interestingly some good interview (and life) advice is that an employer (or some one) can tell a lot about you by your shoes. It says a lot about a woman who can gracefully pull off a pair of slender high heels with out looking like a child playing dress up or resorting to wedges or shock horror, worse a kitten/mid heeled shoe, which brings me on nicely to my next issue....

Why are there so many ugly shoes?! Seriously some are violet crimes against the fashion police and whilst standing on tip toes to kiss your fella is cute in the yellow pages ad no woman in real life actually wants to do that! Croc's, kitten/mid heels and wedges should all be banished to shoe box 101 and never reopened.

There is a joke within my circle of friends that I can do anything in 6" heels and scarily it's true. I've kaylieghed, regularly drive, climbed 10 flights of stairs (there was a pencil skirt involved with that too!) baked, shopped and been rock pooling in my beloved heels, all with out any injury, proof you CAN do anything in high heels.

Walking in high heels, is a like walking the moral high ground. It takes time, class, grace and the support of some wonderful people. So whilst some people can choose to stamp last seasons Prada's at you as much as they want, it is time (for me at least) to look forward to celebrating with love and Louboutin's, and if they turn out to be one and the same, well that, like a real life Elle Woods, is just fabulous ..... xX

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