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Friday 17 August 2012

Taming a Monster........

'Women must stop being jealous of their power and generously allow freedom and responsibility to others. The reward is harmonious families and society' - Delphine de Girardin

Ladies lets be honest, bluntly honest here. We can all look at ourselves objectively, we can praise ourselves for our achievements and berate ourselves when we don't reach the goals we have set ourselves. It's tempting to compare ourselves to others and this at times can be helpful, inspiring us to aim higher, be stronger and to learn more. But every now and again the age old green monster rumour pops his ugly, troll like head up. Now the subject of being jealous has interestingly cropped up in several conversations this week and what's fascinated me is it (for once) it had nothing to todo with men!! It's been about our relationships with each other....

The thing is ladies are we ever really jealous of any thing or any one? When we look at it deeply what has the next girl got that we haven't? What has she achieved that we haven't? We all fill our days with that what we want to do, our career choices are individual and our own. We have so many choices how to get there and we should be proud of how we did. Surely we should be pleased for other peoples successes? But why happens when some one turns it all a little bit sour?

We have all been guilty of consoling ourselves and our friends with the 'they are just jealous' line from time to time. It's a classics female coping mechanism, often when we don't want to see or hear the truth. But is some one ever really jealous of us or is it a comforting plaster we put over the truth they are telling? Do any of us think we are truly that fabulous some one would want our life's, warts and all?!

Every thing in life is a double edged sword and we would be naive to believe it was any different. Yes the next girl might look flawless, appear to have a perfect life but like all of us she will have things she would like to change about herself or her life. The thing is ladies we all in the same race. Some times we are ahead, some times we are behind but the race is long and we will all get there in our own unique way.

For me I know I'm a lucky girl. I have. achieved so many of my goals, love the life I live and I'm surrounded by supportive, inspirational people. But for those who scratch that surface know that along side all that amazingness are also my own demons, fears mixed with the odd broken dreams. And don't even ask me about men or cars, I'm totally cursed!! But the beauty of this (and what I'm trying to say) is that we all have areas of our lives that are a 10 and others that sometimes feel a minus 10! So when some one thinks you are jealous of their life i can only giggle. After all as a grown woman I can see through the facade and know that there is no point in jealously. Maybe you think you're ahead, maybe you think I'm behind but I can honestly say I'm happy in my life and if you can say that, well, you have already won first place.

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